From Sara D.

I test knit the puff cuff mitts for Shana. She was a pleasure to work with, she answered questions promptly and took suggestions gracefully. The pattern was easy to follow and fun to knit. The videos included in the pattern are helpful and well done.

Sara test knit Puff Cuffs. 

From Pam S.

I really love Shana’s designs, including Puff Cuffs, which I’ve just recently knit! Cute and fun to knit, with a few challenges to keep it interesting. I especially like how thorough Shana is in her explanations of multi-step techniques! Ive come across some new-to-me ways of doing things while knitting these, but the explanations are clear, and my Puff Cuffs turned out great!

Pam has been to Zombie Knitpocalypse 2021, 2022, and 2023. She has knit many Shanalines Designs patterns including PB Sandwich Hat and Recalibrate, and has test knit Semantics, Peapod Marble Fidget Toy, Textured Marble Fidget Toy, Modular Coffee Cup Cozy, Shoulder Season, and Puff Cuffs.